Data Foundry Blog

Why We Offer Network Assessment

Why We Offer Network Assessment

Companies often lack essential network documentation, and they don’t know where to begin with designing and optimizing their networks to align with business goals. That’s why our network engineers provided network assessments to colocation customers that expressed a need for it. Because of the improvements our network engineering team made for these first customers, the team...

Ransomware & Ransom DoS: 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Pay

Ransomware & Ransom DoS: 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Pay

According to IDG Research, costs associated with ransomware totaled $209 million in the first quarter of this year alone. One factor contributing to the rapid increase in ransomware and DDoS threats for ransom (also known as ransom DoS or RDos) is that people and companies are paying these ransoms, allowing cyber criminals to establish a steady stream of income. What...

We Are Building Texas 2: Our Next Purpose-Built Data Center

We Are Building Texas 2: Our Next Purpose-Built Data Center

We are excited to announce the construction of Texas 2, Data Foundry’s fifth Texas data center. Texas 2 will accompany Texas 1 on the Data Ranch at our headquarters in Austin, and will be 325,000 square feet upon completion of the final phase. Texas 2 will provide retail and wholesale colocation space, and it is designed to support high density deployments up to 50 kW per...

Cloud Services Are Integral to Modern IT Strategy

Cloud Services Are Integral to Modern IT Strategy

An article posted on Data Center Knowledge back in May states, “It’s clear that the cloud should be part of your IT strategy, even if your team has yet to determine how to leverage it.” Data Foundry recognizes the advantages cloud services offer, and as a result, we have added Cloud Services to our service offering. Colocation & the Cloud Work Hand in Hand Cloud services...

Cyberattack Prevention: Getting the Board on Board

Cyberattack Prevention: Getting the Board on Board

In a 2015 survey by Raytheon and the Ponemon Institute, only 22% of participants said that their organization’s IT leadership briefs the board on cybersecurity strategy. Furthermore, only 14% say that their organization’s security leader has a direct reporting relationship with the CEO. In a separate poll by PwC, one-third of corporate board directors said...

Airlines & Downtime: Causes, Costs & Lessons Learned

Airlines & Downtime: Causes, Costs & Lessons Learned

This year has been hectic for the airline industry with three major airlines suffering computer outages since January: Delta, Southwest and JetBlue. Computer outages, or downtime, can cost major corporations several thousands of dollars by the minute. Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly admitted their recent outage will cost the company between $28 and $54 million. As IT...

Why You Should Pay Attention to Data Center Contamination Control

Why You Should Pay Attention to Data Center Contamination Control

There are a number of best practices data center operators should follow to maintain the ideal environment for IT equipment, such as monitoring humidity levels and atmospheric corrosion, replacing dust filters in a timely manner, using chemical filtration systems, limiting foot traffic and using tak mats or sticky mats. In addition to following these best practices, data...

The Data Center: Your New IT Partner

The Data Center: Your New IT Partner

Data centers that provide colocation, also known as multi-tenant data centers or MTDCs, have evolved to offer much more than just space for rent and installation assistance. As an Internet Service Provider and an operator-owned company, customer service has always been at the forefront of Data Foundry’s offering. We have always provided a consultative approach to guide our...

7 Reasons to Use Object Storage

7 Reasons to Use Object Storage

Unstructured data is growing exponentially year after year with the advanced capabilities of modern devices. These devices generate mass quantities of emails, images and audio and video files. Growing pools of unstructured data become difficult to organize, manage and search. This is where object storage comes in. Object storage is ideal for organizing, managing and searching...

Infographic: DDoS Attacks Are on the Rise

Infographic: DDoS Attacks Are on the Rise

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have continued to escalate year after year, and this year was no exception. Attacks have increased 125% since 2015. Source and target countries have shifted. Ransom as a motive has increased and attackers are getting smarter. See our DDoS infographic to gain an understanding of how DDoS attacks have grown and evolved from 2015 to...

Data Foundry Adds Structured Cabling as a Service

Data Foundry Adds Structured Cabling as a Service

Due to the superior work our infrastructure experts have done with structured cabling for our customers’ deployments, we’ve been asked to complete several cabling projects outside our data centers. The clean-cut and highly detailed work of our cabling team has lead us to launch an official Data Foundry Structured Cabling service as part of our infrastructure services. It is...

What Is ICANN and Why Does It Matter?

What Is ICANN and Why Does It Matter?

ICANN is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Southern California that was formed in 1998 to help the U.S. government manage certain functions that maintain the Internet’s core infrastructure. ICANN maintains the central repository for IP addresses and helps coordinate the supply of IP addresses. It also...

Data Foundry Signs Coalition Letter in Favor of Limiting Government Hacking

Data Foundry Signs Coalition Letter in Favor of Limiting Government Hacking

Data Foundry has taken action against proposed changes to part of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure known as rule 41, that would promote government hacking on a massive scale. We signed a coalition letter to the U.S. Congress along with 50 other Internet companies and public interest groups, including Google, PayPal and the American Civil Liberties Union. What is Rule...

REITs vs Privately-Owned Data Centers

REITs vs Privately-Owned Data Centers

Data center ownership is not usually something companies consider when they are looking for colocation or disaster recovery services. Security, redundancy and construction are often discussed. These are indeed important factors to consider when making a decision, but the type of ownership a data center is under can sometimes determine these important deciding factors and...

Data Foundry Co-CEO Awarded for Internet Community Leadership

Data Foundry Co-CEO Awarded for Internet Community Leadership

Ron Yokubaitis received the Internet Infrastructure Coalition’s (i2Coalition) first award for Internet Community Leadership at the Smarter Internet Forum in Philadelphia, PA today. Ron has been a leader in the Internet sphere since 1994 when he co-founded in San Antonio, TX. Since then, he and his wife Carolyn have gone on to establish Data...