Austin Colocation
Data Foundry owns and operates premier Austin colocation facilities. Come take a tour of one of our data centers and see the difference.

Custom Cabinets, Cages, Security & More
When a company chooses a new colocation facility, they may use their own infrastructure or buy it from us. We offer a consultative approach when it comes to infrastructure. We sell racks, cages, PDUs and VEDs (Vertical Exhaust Ducts or chimneys). We also install custom physical security according to each company’s security standards.

High Density Power and Cooling
Our Austin colocation facilities are purpose-built and can accommodate HPC (high performance computing) environments. We provide up to 22 kW of cooling to individual racks in conventional deployments. Our data centers provide concurrently maintainable power and cooling.

Premier Data Center Services
We are staffed by experienced data center services professionals including security, technicians, electricians and network engineers. We are focused on delivering a high level of service to our clients.. We do not provide services through third-party contractors. This dedication to having our own team allows us to deliver high-touch network, infrastructure and security.

Why Austin?
We believe Austin is the perfect city for colocation for many reasons, including the region’s low risk of natural disasters and abundant tech talent. Austin, TX is located more than 100 miles outside of Tornado Alley and 200 miles from the nearest coast. Austin is one of the safest areas in the U.S. from the effects of natural disasters.
Data Foundry 02
Data Foundry 01
Data Foundry 00
Austin Colocation Facilities
Data Foundry has three colocation facilities in Austin: Data Foundry 01, Data Foundry 02 and Data Foundry 00. To learn more about these individual facilities, go to our Austin data centers page.