Roughly 35 AFCOM members attended the 2012 Greater Houston AFCOM Chapter Meeting last Thursday. During the luncheon, Data Foundry’s Cameron Wynne, Vice President of Operations and current AFCOM Data Center Manager of the Year, gave a presentation on Overcoming Project Hurdles. Cameron covered issues on avoiding and minimizing the inherent risks involved in constructing and managing state-of-the-art colocation data centers.
“It was great to have so many Houston area companies at this event,” states Cameron. “As a long-standing member of AFCOM, we were excited about the opportunity to host the Houston chapter. It’s an honor to be named the Data Center Manager of the year and to be able to speak to a group of my peers about my past experiences building and managing data centers.”
Cameron also plans to address attendees at Data Center World Fall in Nashville, TN on October 1st at 1:15 p.m. AFCOM’s Data Center World is the premier international conference for data center and facilities managers held every year. More event details and registration can be found here.
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Data Center World After Party on October 2nd.